NewLine Catering/Vending filter can be used in a variety of applications as an alternative to ion exchange softening or other conventional water treatment methods. The maintenance-free characteristics make it especially suited for Foodservice and Commercial applications. NewLine filter preserves valuable minerals like Calcium and Magnesium in the water.
Unique Bluefilters NewLine Mix TDS System is an innovative dual water filtration system based on molecular filtration and ultrafiltration placed in one compact plastic casing. Equipped with TDS monitor. This innovative system allows to mix water after reverse osmosis with utrafiltration at customized bacteriostatic ratio and use the water you need at this moment.
Equipped with TDS monitor. This innovative system allows to mix water after reverse osmosis with utrafiltration at customized bacteriostatic ratio and use the water you need at this moment. Equipped with TDS monitor. This innovative system allows to mix water after reverse osmosis with utrafiltration at customized bacteriostatic ratio and use the water you need at this moment
Unique Bluefilters NewLine Mix TDS System is an innovative dual water filtration system based on molecular filtration and ultrafiltration placed in one compact plastic casing.